Sunday, March 12, 2006

x86 assembly

The 'ol apendix burst halfway through my x86 assembly class in college and I missed the last part of the class. I still havea little interest in assembly so every now and again I gravitate towards some examples.

check out where you can see cool things compiled in 256b or less.


forkev said...

awesome find.
i may have to do some learning here.

forkev said...
an entire os fits on a floppy, open source (not linux) and hand written in assembler. maybe that'll wet your appatite.

k2h said...

thats crazy talk....! actually, looking at the OS, I think I ran across that one a while ago.. pretty awesome!

Daniel said...

All of the patterns I do at work are pretty close to assembly, it is kinda fun, but I get to think about voltage, bus turnaround times, slew rates, tester timing hazards and other fun things too! Go assembly... Keith you missed several classes of MS sucks go Linux, me asking some question related to the end of class assignment, and some vague answer.

k2h said...

and my reward for missing all of that 'educational time' was that I would spend the next 6 weeks studying for and then getting a b- on the final. it will forever haunt me.... what might have been.

at least I can find my own compiler. wasn't that the first assignemnt?

Daniel said...

yep I think it was...

forkev said...

ms sucks, go linux.
whatever happened to the right tool for the job?

k2h said...

I think that MS thinks you have to adapt your job around their product. so in the end you have the right tool for the job.