Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What We Look At

interestingly, your culture can influence how you look at a picture. americans look at the central item in a picture while chinese look at the background details. in other words americans think of the central object being independant of the context while chinese think of things as being defined by the surroundings. if you have access check it out in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences, vol 102, no 35, p 12329-12633.


Unknown said...

this reminds me of the difference in the way the east and the west look at perspective. in the west everything colaleses ?sp around the center of interest. in 'real life' that translates to everything getting smaller as it goes away from you. in the east the world expands as it goes away from you and while you are still the center of the expansion, the world is much larger and you in the center are small. eastern perspective has items becoming larger as they go away from you.

Daniel said...

My employer has done very well selling imagers. One of the things they focus on in different markets is tweaking how the imagers produce pictures. They do studies around the world to see how people like their digital cameras.

Unknown said...

fixed the link for those who care. =)